OK, I know I've attempted a series before, but this time I absolutely plan on sticking with it. Over the course of the next few posts, I'm going to be highlighting those bands and artists from Blighty who have been lucky enough to be selected for a week in the Texas sunshine. Yes, I appreciate they're only doing this for their "art" and such, yet the thought of sitting around, eating BBQ and drinking beer doesn't exactly turn me off. If only I had the talent huh??
In the meantime, here's a song that doesn't relate to SXSW in any way. Enjoy.
MP3 Captain - Frontline (DFA Remix)
More Dino Genius (and some shit from CSS too).
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Thursday, February 22, 2007 at 9:58 AM.

Easy now Party Peeps. Yep, I'm still loving the new Dino Jr album a bit too much, so I thought I'd share some more with y'all. Also, here's a cover of L7's Pretend We're Dead by popular Brazillian music group CSS (whoever they are). BRING BACK THE 90'S!!
MP3 Dinosaur Jr - Crumble
MP3 CSS - Pretend We're Dead

I got hold of the new Rakes album yesterday. I've not listened to it yet, aside from forthcoming single We Danced Together. Now, frontman Alan has claimed this is the best song off the album, and sort of implies that they should not have released it first. That in mind, I figured this would be a good barometer as to whether I'll like the whole album. As it turns out, I don't like it, therefore the likelihood of me listening to Ten New Messages in the next week is low, especially as the new Dinosaur Jr is so fucking brilliant. The SebastiAn remix is quite good though, I'll give them that much.
MP3 The Rakes - We Danced Together
MP3 The Rakes - We Danced Together (SebastiAn Remix)

Wow. I'm just listening to the new Dinsoaur Jr album. It's awesome. So awesome in fact it's almost like the last 10 years haven't happened. With Rage reforming and Sonic Youths effort from last year, who else is going to be making a genuinely good comeback in 2007?? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
MP3 Dinosaur Jr - This Is All I Came To Do

Doing some research for a forthcoming gig, I decided to grab a copy of Physical by Olivia Newton-John. This song perpetuated my early years with it's repeated playings on radio and TV, and to be honest is something I'd consigned to the mental dustbin years ago up until today as being shit. Now, I'm not sure whether I've completely tipped over the edge, but on listening to it today with nearly fresh ears, I've found that it's actually rather good. Yeah, it needs a little more bass, but it's a hell of a lot better than I actually remember. Give it a second try - I might be wrong.
MP3 Olivia Newton-John - Physical

Up until a couple of years ago, one weekly event I always especially looked forward to was the single reviews in the Guardian Guide. For you readers either unfamiliar with it's greatness or those from outside the UK, the Guardian Guide comes free with the Guardian newspaper every Saturday highlighting all general cultural things for the week ahead. The single reviews used to be it's high point, as the song of the week was generally praised while everything else was acerbically panned. Somewhere along the line, the reviews became toned down, and actually lost their USP. Imagine my delight yesterday when reading the guide to find that the reviews had returned to form, and made me laugh out loud when I read the review of the Killers latest effort:
"The Killers
Read My Mind (Vertigo)
One day someone will remake The Breakfast Club, and the Killers will get to write the soundtrack. Then, hopefully, they'll fuck off. In the meantime, avoid Read My Mind, another nauseating homage to the airbrushed 1980s intensity of A-Ha and U2."
Genius. More here.
MP3 The Killers - Read my Mind
MP3 A-Ha - Take on Me
MP3 U2 - With or Without You

I realise that I've been rather dancey with my posts of late - when I next find myself going through the archives I'll drag out an oldie of some sort. In the meantime though, allow yourselves to enjoy the work of Joakim. His album, Monsters and Silly Songs, is good stuff, even though it's highly influenced by the work of DFA et al. I think it came out late last year, but interest is gaining at the moment. Check it out.
MP3 Joakim - Drumtrax

Diddy seemed to pick up a few plaudits for his new album last year. While it's somewhat ironic that one of raps most powerful players can resort to De La style hippy-hop, he's certainly managed to attract one of the best remixers around to his work. Switch doesn't merely turn this effort (featuring Aguilera) into a piece of hip-house, it goes off in the direction of pure happy house, with a bouncing bassline that no doubt will see asses shaking up and down the land. Check it out.
MP3 Diddy (feat Christina Aguilera) - Tell Me (Switch Remix)

The Hold Steady were in town the other night, and it was an absolute fucking riot. I was armed to the teeth with a twenty pound note, and as the gig was so good, I decided to get absolutely twatted to celebrate. Positively twatted - no half measure. It was classic. The night ended with Pasta Paul having to stop me from robbing a tee-shirt (he was doing the merch) while James from Yer Mam! generally looked on in utter bemusement. It's safe to say that I felt pretty goddarn rough when boarding the train to London the following day for Bureau's gig at the Fly. Blurgh.
MP3 The Hold Steady - Barfruit Blues

I've been meaning to post this track for some time, but it's been an absolute bugger to track down. Still, it's here now, so those of you who read and actually give a shit can have a listen. It really is quite good, in a noisy, quasi-emo kind of way. Not that I like emo of course, but you get my drift.
MP3 Biffy Clyro - Semi-Mental

I know it's been a while, but I've been recovering from the mind numbing, soul destroying hell known as a job in London. You'll all be glad to know that I'm now back in Manchester, and feel suitably recovered enough to once again climb aboard the great blogging wagon. Oh Yes.
Quick recap for you all anyway. Saturday was the inaugral Get Girl, Kill Baddies, Save Planet at Night and Day which was a huge success. I was too pissed to DJ (sorry if that's what you came for) however I was too busy smiling and enjoying myself to even think about mixing 2 tunes together. Thanks to both The Real Dolls and Drunken Munks for their live sets, they were fucking awesome. Be their friends now.
Last night was spent returning in a prodigal manner to the decks at High Voltage. And oh yes, have I missed it. The evening was made extra special as Goose were headlining, and I also had the honour of making them an exceptional dinner comprising chilli and rice. Indeed, there really are no limits to my skills. Honestly. Now all I need to do is get a fucking job. Oh well.
MP3 Goose - Black Gloves
And this was a pleasant surprise when I played it last night:
MP3 Editors - All Sparks (Phones Remix)

Curses! Are Brilliant! And if you're coming to Get Girl on Saturday at Night and Day, I can guarantee you'll hear me play a tune or 2 by them. They're fucking ace so get on it. If you want to get in on the cheapy guestlist for Saturday, just get in touch ggkbsp [at] googlemail [dot] com.
MP3 Curses! - Hungry 4 Luv (Vs. DTL)