I'd forgotten all about this tune, and it's just come on the office stereo. A rather excellent homage by Sir David of Bowie to the region I'm from, which can be found on his album "the Man who Sold the World". At the end of the day, we should all know by now that the Black Country is the home of all things heavy, and upon hearing this, I'm rather proud to be from that place again. Rock on.
MP3 David Bowie - Black Country Rock

And straight into my first proper post about music we go. A good pal of mine over in NYC - the mighty Dev Sherlock - promised me a mix of Jamaican jams like, 2 FUCKING YEARS ago. So whaddaya know, last week he drops it into my inbox and is like all "so when you puttin' this joint up den badboi". I said "look dude, I ain't bloggin' so much at the moment, check me twitter". He wasn't having any of it. So, if you want to hear what summer sounds like in the mind of a Hype Machine radio show producer, you know precisely what to do. Boom.
MP3 Selector Dev Sherlock - Cool Out Son
It's been over 6 months since these pages saw anything that resembled new content. Not that I'm making excuses, but I've been so fucking busy with work I've really not had the time or the inclination to get anything new online. I'm also pretty horrified with the stance Google have taken with blogs by removing content as and when they see fit, which is a bit hard on those of us who take the time and effort to craft a well written post about something that they like. Still, it's not getting me down. I'm actually intending on redoing this blog completely and moving to - Shock Horror - Wordpress. I'll post up a few bits here from time to time to let you know I'm still like, alive and stuff. But big changes be a comin', let me tell you.
Nice one.
Nice one.