Music posted up here is for evaluation only, and only online for a limited time. If you're an artist, band or label that would like something removed, please get in touch. Otherwise, enjoy the blog!
Would you like me to come and play your night, or have something for me to listen to?
Drop me a line here.
If you've missed out on any music because of the seven day rule, email and if it's possible I'll email it to you.
Ahr - Yes
Ar bin - I am
Bostin - Terrific
Geaus - Give me
Gob - Mouth
Kipper Tie - Cup of Tea
Quoit - Exactly, entirely
Or roit? - Are you well?
Trarabit - See you again soon
More?? Here.
Hey! Any music I post links to here is to help promote the artists! If you want me to take it down, please send a nice, polite email to "jon at black country grammar dot co dot uk" and it'll be done. Ta.
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