Dance Tuition.

Prinzhorn Dance School are from Brighton and signed to DFA. Up until last Friday, that's really all I knew about them. I'd seen a few shaky pictures, heard one track off their demo, and totally dismayed at their lack of a MySpazz page. They played Night and Day on the Friday night, but due to me being heavily engrossed in conversation I didn't really pay too much attention. I saw them again the following night at Nasty Fest in Leeds. They were OK, and their distinct post punk leanings show why Messrs Murphy and Goldsworthy wet their DFA branded knickers, but they seem to lack a certain something. I'm not sure what that thing is of course, but I'm not exactly convinced that they're the great white hope that the hype surrounding them has predicted. Still, on the plus side, the bassist is extremely good looking, and flashed me a lovely smile when we passed at the bar. Make your own mind up anyway.

MP3 Prinzhorn Dance School - Eat, Sleep


I don't know why, and yes it is inexcusable, but if 2006 has been about any form of music, it simply has to be pop. There's just been so much good stuff - a lot of it credible enough to even be backed up with a slew of remixes from some very clever electro types.

I'm not sure about you, but All Saints have always been my favourite girl band. Whether it's because they were one of the first in the modern sense or I've had crushes on them all at some point over the last 8 years I'm not sure, but I was mighty happy to hear they'd reformed. I caught a live performance by them on Channel 4 last weekend, and it was this track that stood head and shoulders above everything else.

MP3 All Saints - Flashback

And onto Amy Winehouse. She's always been on the left hand side of the pop spectrum, and could probably be considered as a template for Lily Allen. Anyway, she's also back with a new album, and I can't get enough of this tune.

MP3 Amy Winehouse - Tears Dry on their Own

Shining Black Strobe

The last time I went to Bugged Out in Manchester it was absolute dogshit. It wasn't the music that was bad, just the people. Bugged Out is held at trendy nightspot One Central Street, which over the years has begun to attract the biggest bunch of dickheads I've ever known. You know the sort: Air kissing PR hags, Multi Styled Hairdressers, and Rugby playing corporate execs. Not exactly the sort of people to appreciate techno anyway. I got convinced to go again last night, as Ivan Smagghe of Blackstrobe was making an appearance. Pleasingly, the venue was dickhead free, and it was the first techno set I've danced to in a while. I'm just nursing a sore head today. Brilliant.

MP3 Blackstrobe - Shining Bright Star (Phones Industrial Remix)


Been a while hasn't it?? Nearly a full month in fact. I thought my blogging mojo had completely disappeared, then after tidying my desk, I found it hiding underneath a pile of CD's. It was a little hungry, yet after a little stroking it reattached itself to my soul and now I feel I can string a series of words together to make a coherent sentance. Or something like that anyway.

There's lots of changes going on in my life at the moment which I will slowly drip feed to you all over the coming months. I have started a new job in London, which means at some point I'll be moving back down there. I'm yet to decide which point, though all I can say at the moment is the the travelling is killing me.

During my month off, I've not stopped listening to music though. Here's something you should all like. Back soon.

MP3 Archie Bronson Outfit - Dead Funny (Dusty Cabinets Remix)

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About me

  • I'm jonthebeef
  • From Manchester, North West, United Kingdom

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    A Little Black Country Grammar

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