My inbox has been having a rather exciting time over the last few days, which ensures that you're all in for some treats over the next week or so. In the meantime, make sure you all scoot over to my new blog which I'm writing with my main man Jon Claude. Don't worry, it won't interfere with my posts here, I'll still be updating with the usual quality and frequency you're all used to. The Shopllifters blog can be found here, though go easy on the look of it at the moment while we still tidy it up. There's some good tunes to be found though.
In the meantime, here's an XXXChange remix of Santogolds new single, L.E.S Artistes. While it's not the huge banger I thought it would be, it's a nice piece of work that could fit nicely into a breakdown for all you DJ types out there.
MP3 Santogold - L.E.S Artistes (XXXChange Remix)
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