I've found myself confronted with a couple of callous comparisons over the last few days. Firstly, on Thursday night, I discovered that Ladyhawke is actually being compared to "Tango in the Night" era Fleetwood Mac (which I strongly disagree with BTW) and is being touted as the new Stevie Nicks. I don't know which PR thought that one up, but it's complete bullshit. Dangerous bullshit though: People that don't know better will actually believe it. Wrong. I understand it's a thing called marketing, but those Fleetwood Mac fans that buy a Ladyhawke record in the belief that it's similar will end up rather disappointed.
And then yesterday, the know-it-alls at NME.com described Mogwai as being "Prog Rock". Wha??? Am I missing something here? Since when did Mogwai sound like King Crimson? Or Yes? Or Genesis? Sorry, but lazy comparisons like that just piss me off. Yeah, maybe this it's an age thing, but at least I can still tell my Math from my Post from my Prog Rock.
MP3 Ladyhawke - Paris is Burning
MP3 Fleetwood Mac - Everywhere
MP3 Mogwai - Folk Death 95
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