Simply awesome. As heard on 2004's "Piracy Funds Terrorism", this tune rocks. I sometimes forget "Arular" as being one of my favourite albums of the last couple of years. You can be a follower but who's your leader? Not sure, but this rocks.

I saw Damien Jurado last year at the Roadhouse on the recommendation of my girlfriends boss. I wasn't familiar with his stuff, but he had such an endearing stage presence I couldn't help but take notice. Check out

Massive Attack have got their best of out soon (either tomorrow or next week, or maybe even last?) so best not waste the opportunity to share this - an Akufen remix of Special Cases. Bleepy as hell, but works a treat.

I've talked about Madvillian before. Check out this ace 4-Tet remix of

Phew. That's loads. Check out this post for some of the tunes Jigga has sampled in the past. Too much for me to type!
PS - I've turned the comments back on now, so you guys can leave little messages for me!
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