That's what his PR calls him. Have you ever heard anything so luvvy? Anyway, he's playing at the Late Room tomorrow, and in all fairness to her his PR has put me on the guest list, so I can't make to many jokes at her expense can I?
In September last year, he re-released what possibly is one of the most gorgeous tracks of the decade (I know I bestow such honours quite freely, but then at the moment I'm only writing about stuff that means something to me). The track billed, quite justifiably, as Unfinished Sympathy Part deux is full of lush strings, tugging pianos and heartfelt lyrics. It's also over 7 minutes long. In short: A true modern classic.
Shame the album "Politics" was a load of old wazz.
NB At the request of the label I've had to take this MP3 down. It is available on iTunes however at a bargain 79p, so get yourselves over there if you want it.
MP3 Sebastian Tellier - La Ritournelle
PS - Large scary pic here.
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