Some songs, however ace they may be, sound different in a club than how they sound at home or on your iPod. I'm not sure why, but there's a moment in a club when you're happilly bopping along, until the track goes BAM!, and you realise it's the same tune that has been accompanying you on the bus for so long. I had this with Burnin' from Daft Punks debut. I was a little, erm, medicated at the time, so the first minute or so just passed me by. When the bassline kicked in all kinds of carnage went off, but it was only the following morning I realised what the tune was. Is this something only I experience, or does this effect everyone else?
MP3 Daft Punk - Burnin'
PS - Is Shakira letting everyone know in the chorus of her latest single that she's got the painters in? Just a thought.
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