Tune: Nothing but a heartache.
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Wednesday, October 31, 2007 at 8:11 AM.

Here's the first post in a selection of stuff I hear on the radio at work. Here's a tune that not only has been used in a campaign for KFC, but also covered by Chart Euro-dance stars the Freemasons. Despite the facts, it's a great track. Enjoy.
MP3 The Flirtations - Nothing but a heartache

Guess what? It's Hallowe'en today. Yep, that day where kids hold you to ransom on your front doorstep in return for a treat. I'm not massive fan myself, never seen the wide appeal. Still, the online world has been alight with suitable tunes this year - I've never seen such an interest in Hallowe'en before. Here's some stuff I've found over the last couple of days:
MP3 Curtis Vodka - Thriller
MP3 Danny Hutton - Monster Shindig
MP3 The Misfits - Skulls
MP3 Alessi Brothers - Savin' the Day (The Revenge Flat Top Mix)

Oh wow. I never realised I could love a Kylie song so much in adult life. Sure, "I should be so lucky" was the absolute shit when I was 7, but I really can't believe how much I'm digging "2 Hearts" 20 years on. I'm not sure you can dance to it, as it's just a little too slow, but boy does it make you chuck your arms in the air when the chorus hits. Woo.
MP3 Kylie - 2 Hearts
PS The picture is what arrived in the mail this morning. I'm like, too excited.
And in this ever changing world...
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Sunday, October 28, 2007 at 2:15 PM.

Shall I tell you why Paul McCartney's (original) version of "Live and Let Die" is shit? Because Slash didn't play guitar on it.
MP3 Guns N' Roses - Live and Let Die

Thursday night was spent watching Fingathing as part of Ben and Sooz's Birthday. Me and Paul had been asked to DJ after the band, and Sooz had given us a massive list of Rock and Metal tunes that she wanted to hear. After much surfing, ripping, and requesting, I ended up being able to string some rock tunes together, and I reckon I did pretty well too. Check some of these babies out (though they weren't on Sooz's list):
MP3 The Von Bondies - It came from Japan
MP3 The Waitresses - I know what boys like
MP3 The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - 2 Kindsa Love (YouTube)
MP3 Rocket from the Crypt - Born in '69

So, the authoritah closed down OiNK today. What a surprise. For bloody ages the pretentious invite-only pink club has been forcing people to effectively share more than they download, which isn't exactly great for an industry on it's knees. Some have said that a source of new and exciting indie bands has dried up, but whenever one supply line closes, another opens. The only thing that really worries me is where the gun will be pointed next: Will MP3 bloggers be the next to face the wrath of Interpol, and one day try to update their sites only to find that Google (or whoever) have closed them down??
MP3 Sky Larkin - Summit

Wow. I got home yesterday after my appearance on the Record of the Day panel at In the City to find this blog down. That's right, it wasn't working at all, which is pretty shit seeing as I'd been sat in front of 200 or so music industry sorts waffling on about how great the "blogosphere" is and why the Black Lips are better than the Wombats. Or some shit like that anyway. In any case, as you can tell the blog is back online, and thanks to some nifty redirecting shenanigans from those clever folk at Blogger, my domain doesn't merely just point to this blog - it's stays in the address bar for your whole visit and everything! Huzzah!
It doesn't take much to make me happy. Here's some quality old disco that my mate Matt from work recommended. And yes, it's served with a healthy slice of smelly cheese, and yes a certain British boyband from the 90's covered it. And y'know what, I couldn't give a shit - it fucking rules.
MP3 Dan Hartman - Vertigo/Relight my Fire

I know I've lamented about how late to the party I am sometimes before, but I can't be all seeing and all knowing - there's only so many tunes a brain can take at any one time. This time, I'm so late to the fucking party that most people have left, there's bodies strewn around everywhere having either crashed from too much alcohol or plain old fatique, a lonely record keeps spinning on it's centre gathering lint, the ashtrays are overflowing, and the early morning light is burning through the curtains. Yes, it's that fucking late, and I want to party. Here's Whitest Boy Alive from 2006. Hmpfh.
MP3 The Whitest Boy Alive - Burning
And while I'm at it...
MP3 Liars - Houseclouds
Red shirt, red jeans, blue guitar.
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Thursday, October 18, 2007 at 2:43 PM.

Elephants are rather large creatures, used to the relaxing and comfortable surroundings of zoo's and safari parks nationwide. While usually sort of placid looking, they're known for having extremely good memories and farting loads. The same could probably be said for Kentucky-by-way-of-South-East London rockers Cage the Elephant. Whether their name is a metaphor for containing the beast within their five strong membership I'm not sure, but they certainly make a half decent racket. I went to see them tonight, and my ears are still ringing. Here's their set closer. Rock animal.
MP3 Cage the Elephant - Free Love

Been a while I know. You'll all be pleased to know that my smoke free life is going well - remarkably well in fact, nicotine patches really do work. So anyway, here's what's good:
1) Mick Collins from the Dirtbombs emailed me. I was scared that he was going to tell me to take his song down. Instead, he praised the blog, and told me to leave the song up "till the sun burns out". So here it is again, in zshared goodness. There might even be a new track from them soon...
MP3 The Dirtbombs - Do you see my love (for you growing) / YSI
2) It's In the City this weekend, meaning I'll be running around all over Manchester hoping to catch a glance of the next big thing. It'll be an extra special one this year too seeing as Wilson won't be with us. Catch me at the Record of the Day panel on Monday.
MP3 A Certain Ratio - A Way to Escape
3) The Justice remix of Klaxons "As Above, So Below" leaked this week, and it really is rather good. It's not durr-durr-durr bullshit of any kind, more a Daft Punk style house jam. Niiiice.
MP3 Klaxons - As Above, So Below (Justice Remix)
More later.
Do you see my love for you growing?
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Wednesday, October 03, 2007 at 5:24 AM.

Yeah. The Dirtbombs. Yeah. Mmm. Ooo ooo ooo. Honey Honey.
MP3 The Dirtbombs - Do you see my love (for you growing)?

Aye up. Bit of a gap since my last post. I've been busy trying to quit smoking, and my patience levels haven't been at a point until now to actually write something. I've got a nicotine patch stuck to the side of my chest, but I've still got urges to either smoke, or eat. I won't get fat though. Either way, apologies now if my future posts are more angsty, angry or downright bizarre than usual.
Back to the tunes anyway. Heard at football grounds up and down the land and sampled by Perfecto Allstars on "Reach Up" in the late 90's, the tune is still surprisingly good. Umm... check it out.
MP3 Pigbag - Papas Got a Brand New Pigbag