Comments Ahoy!

After 2 years, I have finally been able to sort my blog template out, which now means that you can leave a comment on one of my posts should you decide to. You might also note there's a new bit of navigation in the top right - should it start looking shit please feel free to drop me a line.

It's taken me all bloody day to get this done, as basic as my CSS skills are. To help me through the day, I've listened to:

- Midnight Boom by the Kills
- Benga's new album
- Twenty One by Mystery Jets
- The new Raconteurs record

Here's something from the Mystery Jets anyway.

MP3 Mystery Jets - Flakes

4 Responses to “Comments Ahoy!”

  1. # Blogger Kev

    Hooray for using your bank holiday productively ... I just lay around when I should have been building someone's new site. D'oh  

  2. # Blogger jonthebeef

    My initial plan was to sit around all day watching movies, but at 11am I decided to check one thing out, which led to me spending the rest of the day fixing the whole thing.

    I did reward myself with a viewing of 'Jumper' before bed, but it was utter dogshit. Never mind eh?  

  3. # Blogger James

    Comments! Nice one! Now I don't have to wait to see you in person to harangue you about something you've posted.  

  4. # Blogger jonthebeef

    Ah yes, comments indeed. I've still a little work to do on the layout, but at least they're there non?

    You can harangue me all you fucking like Morty. Ha HA!  

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Music posted up here is for evaluation only, and only online for a limited time. If you're an artist, band or label that would like something removed, please get in touch. Otherwise, enjoy the blog!

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  • I'm jonthebeef
  • From Manchester, North West, United Kingdom

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