Disco flavour.

I've got an awful lot of music on my laptop. This isn't a boast, more a stark realisation that my hard drive is starting to creak a bit, and it's time to lose some weight before it buckles completely. I get a fair amount of stuff sent to me that I'm really not supposed to share, though in all fairness some of this stuff is at least 6 months old now, so I guess the coast is clear. These are all some tracks I'm thinking about chucking on a mix soon, so don't be surprised if you hear them again in the future.

Here's New Yorkers Escort with a disco jam from some point in the last 18 months. If you're a fan of their stuff and not heard this, it's a little more retro than their usual sound, but that's no bad thing. Worth a boogy.

MP3 Escort - Love in Indigo (Extended mix)

I'm not sure where I got this tune from. I suspect it's either the product of a late night Hype Machine raid, or has been put on my laptop by a certain James with the intention of playing out at one of the many gigs we've done together over the last 12 months. Well, it's mine now. Booty Luv covered it last year too.

MP3 Lucy Pearl - Don't mess with my man

This track ended up on a below par mix I put together on New Years Eve. It started off OK, but got a bit week half way through when I was distracted and started playing some minimal instead. It's a track I keep going back to, as while I don't know the original, this mix is pretty hot as the percussion keeps dragging me back for more.

MP3 Wolf and Cub - This Mess (Serge Santiago dub)

And finally, here's a track by Rodgriguez that I'm sure we've all heard on mixes before (notably David Holmes' 'Come get it I got it') and is a nice 70s jam all about narcotics. Enjoy.

MP3 Rodriguez - Sugar Man

1 Responses to “Disco flavour.”

  1. # Blogger ivantanzer

    Could you re-link the Lucy Pearl song? I've been trying to get that one for ages!

    big thanks!  

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