10 Reasons why Glastonbury hasn't sold out yet.

Much has been made of the fact that Glastonbury still hasn't sold out, and that those of you who haven't yet pre-registered to buy a ticket could do so from 4pm today. While it's not the end of the world (there is like, 150,000 tickets to shift), here's 10 reasons why it's not sold out in the usual velocity:

1) Three years of mud has put people off.
2) The headliners aren't strong enough (no Radiohead).
3) The full line up hasn't been announced yet, whereas the lineups for other major festivals have.
4) Other festivals have got killer line ups, with Reading/Leeds getting the most attention. Smaller 'Boutique" festivals have been booking bigger too.
5) Festival goers are going abroad. Glasto quality acts with guaranteed sunshine - Yes please!
6) There's an economic downturn, therefore their entire target market has less cash at the moment than they did last year. Festival or water bill?
7) People couldn't be arsed to register. Well, not as much as last year.
8) People couldn't be arsed with getting up at 7am on a Sunday to try and get a ticket. Hangovers still exist.
9) Has it got too commercial? Has it remained true to it's corporate-free values? Let's ask the BBC, Orange and Carlsberg.
10) Is it too full of people who have no real interest in what it's all about?

There's no real danger that Glasto won't sell out - of course it will - but while the organisers carry on with their arrogant attitude that it's the only British festival worth going to, it's status as the nations favourite is under threat. They don't need to lower their prices, or ease up the ticketing process, but they do need to look at what the Jones' are up to. Because, if some of your audience are off to see Rage Against the Machine and Metallica, and are backing the horse that shows the best lineup and most chance of a mud-free weekend, then some changes need to be made. After all, while Glastonbury is probably the Apple of the festival world, they need to follow Steve Jobs, and make their festival so ultimately desirable again that no-one will pass up the chance to go.

Click here to get a ticket. And have a nice time too.

MP3 Wiley - Rolex (Extended Edit)

1 Responses to “10 Reasons why Glastonbury hasn't sold out yet.”

  1. # Blogger jonthebeef

    It's 11pm... and it still hasn't sold out. What do you all think?  

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