RIP Electro (2005-2008)

Electro is dead. It passed away around 4pm today, when I discovered a Star Wars/Justice mashup. I nearly puked: It's that bad. It's always a key marker for a genre when someone produces a track with a Star Wars sample - it clearly means the genre is on it's way out, as there's no more material to splice. Fucking awful awful awful. If you really want to arrest your ears, head over here for a listen. When I add this to Cut Copy's miming last night, and the rumour that Justice are producing the new Chilis album, I can only summise that it's all over. Long live disco.

MP3 The Chemical Brothers - Electronic Battle Weapon 10

5 Responses to “RIP Electro (2005-2008)”

  1. # Blogger James

    That really is the only picture you could have used for this post, isn't it? Eyyyy!  

  2. # Blogger Chris

    I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

    At least it's over. It was fun while it last, but it lasted too long.  

  3. # Blogger Sovietpanda

    "Cut Copy's miming"

    THANK YOU for being the first blog I have read to point this out. I still have to write my diatribe on how bad they were live  

  4. # Blogger benjimite

    The amount of shit electro around is simply hideous. Remixing everything, every classic that they can get their hands on. I accidentally downloaded this remix of Out Of Space by The Prodigy with a shit load of chainsaws over the top. Thanks goodness for disco  

  5. # Blogger James Rand

    I agree.

    It's been too long and electro is on it's arse at the moment thanks to Kissy Sellout and his A.D.D Fisher Price branding and sugar coating.

    Whilst I am down with your disco comments, I am far more inclined to believe that heavy minimal techno is the way forward.

    Check MOS - Emotional Distortion (Popof Remix) and tell me I'm wrong.  

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