I'm not a fan of Kasabian in any sense of the word, but I just can't help but be blown away by their new video. It looks like a cross between QOTSA's "Go With the Flow" video and an iPod ad from 3 years ago. Despite it's lack of originality and the obvious cash chucked at it, this video goes to show that you can indeed polish a turd. Even a big fat turd like "Shoot the Runner". Fucking ace video though.

As the last of the Summer moves into the Autumn, the sun stills seems to be shining for the Longcut. After headlining the second stage at last weekends Cohesion Festival, the band have a new single - Tried and Tested Method - and download store to launch. There's also a cracking Go! Team remix in the can too. August saw them release the download only "Airtight Sessions" EP, featuring track Idiot Check, which previously had been featured as a bonus on the Japanese issue of their album. Check it out below, and also click here to see the great video for "tested...".
MP3 The Longcut - Idiot Check

I know the posts have gotten rather sporadic of late. It's something I've noticed myself and hope to remedy. The last 10 days have been rather busy, what with there being: Cohesion Festival, 3 x High Voltages, 1 x Quiet Night Out, 1 x noWax, my Sister coming to visit, several trips to the pub, and of course my fabulous new job. So, for all of you that have missed me, or have sent me stuff, I'm hoping to get it all sorted over the next day or so. Here's something to get the ball rolling.
MP3 Bermuda Traingle - Secret Pillow (Prins Thomas Remix Part 1 and 2)
Yer Mam! is one blog that I always seem to big up. It helps that I've met it's author (James) and he's a bloody nice bloke. He always makes a habit of loading up a mixtape of about 40 tracks onto his blog each week, and if you head there now, make sure you grab both discs as they're blinders. Nice work dude.

I know I've been away for what must seem like an age, and in fairness if it wasn't for Bernard at work today I probably wouldn't be posting. I saw James from Yer Mam! on Saturday night and he commented on how he never feels the need to apologise for not posting - there is more to life than blogging after all.
Another thing that has inspired me to write is the dawn of the new Bond theme. I was quite surprised to hear that Chris Cornell was doing the track, as he's, well, not Shirley Bassey. Seeing as he's a hero of my teens, I thought I'd give him a chance to do well. And so it is, the new Bond theme runs to recent form: Everyone gets overly excited about it prior to release, and when it does drop, it's average. Click here to have a listen and watch a video. It hasn't rocked my world.
This one's for James and Bernard.
MP3 The Pigeon Detectives - I'm Not Sorry (Beefy's "yes I know I've posted it before" version)

What a week it's been for MP3 players. Firstly, we get Apple releasing not 1, not 2, but 3 new iPods, then Bill Gates and his gang of Microsoft executives hit back with the rather impressive looking Zune player. While sexy new gadgets are always cool, neither companies could foresee my own announcement: Welcome to the Black Country Grammar Music Player.
Simply, it plays the last 75 tracks I've posted on the blog, via a feed from the Hype Machine. You can find it on the sidebar. Here's a quick FAQ:
Q - All I see is a white box? What the hell is wrong?
A - I'm not 100% sure. It's something to do with the way your browser is handling Flash content. The easiest solution I've found is to use FireFox - it's the best browser out there anyway. I've also posted a link below where the player should be which will load the player in a new window.
Q - Why isn't a song you've posted about not featured in the player?
A - Either it hasn't been scanned by the Hype Machine yet, or it has been filtered by the Hype Machine as it's an overly popular song on it's networks.
Q - It's really slow to load.
A - Try getting broadband then.
I couldn't afford to get a band of U2's stature to endorse the product. In fact, I couldn't afford to get ANYONE to endorse the product. You'll just have to plump for this instead.
MP3 Death in Vegas - Hands Around My Throat

Burrrr... It was High Voltage last night, which means I had a late one. I'm certainly feeling the effects now: I'm tired, I'm irritable, and there's absolutely no way in hell I'm going to any of the 6 things I'm supposed to be doing tonight. I didn't even drink a lot of beer last night, so I've no reason (aside from tiredness) to feel as rough as I do. It's High Voltage duty AGAIN tomorrow night, where the stage will be graced by the quite brilliant Love is All. If you want to come, I think tickets are still available and there might be some on the door, and it's about 8 quid. You also get me and the "lovely" Rich C to entertain you with some quality tunes. I might even play the new Bloc Party if you're lucky.
In the meantime, here's another newie from everyone's favourite camp clowns Scissor Sisters. It takes a lot of audacity to name a track after a Beatle, but this is a lot better than their current Leo Sayer-sounding effort. It's a bit like Filthy/Gorgeous sung by Michael Jackson, which is no bad thing. Check it out.
MP3 Scissor Sisters - Paul McCartney

In response to a couple of previous posts:
1) It turns out the Manchester Blog Awards are not an X Factor style "voting" award, therefore please don't email the organisers any more about BCG. Hopefully, I'll get nominated, so don't worry about recommending me. I didn't realise this at the time of putting the post up, so sorry to all concerned.
2) I really should have posted this when commenting on my lost Tobacco Tin.
MP3 Fun Lovin' Criminals - Smoke 'Em If you've Got 'Em

It's time to clean up my desk again. Looking around it the other day, not only did I realise it was a complete tip, but again I found some CD's I didn't know I had. The standout was an album sampler by a band called Piskie Sits. I don't know anything about them, other than that a) they sound a bit like alternative rock faves Teenage Fanclub and b) they're really good. In the spirit of all things BCG - here's a tune for you to sample!
MP3 Piskie Sits - Witches
PS - Check out their site here.

As years go by I'm getting further ostricised by my fellow man as smoking IS NO LONGER COOL. When did that happen? Once upon a time, all my friends smoked, now I'm the only one. This is all going to get even worse next summer when the smoking ban comes. This means I'll no longer be able to enjoy a cigarette with a beer or after a meal. My new place of work aren't at all tolerent to smoking either - I can't have a cigarette break - which means by lunchtime and the end of the day I'm absolutely gagging for a smoke.
Sitting on a bench after my sandwiches yesterday lunchtime, I rolled myself a well earned cig. After enjoying it, I cleaned everything up, put it in the bin, and went about my business. It was only at the end of the day that I realised I'd left my tobacco tin on the bench, and someone had helpfully taken it for themselves. I was gutted, as I've had the tin for years, and it was covered in some really cool stickers. I suppose that'll teach me for being a stinking smoker. Gutted.
MP3 Nirvana - Marigold
PS - The picture above isn't my tin, just a random one I found on Google.

When I was last back home in the Midlands - the time when I mercilessly persecuted my Dad's iTunes - I was supposed to go and catch this band with my kid Sister. We couldn't be arsed to go, as it was an hours journey, but on this evidence I really wish we had been. I woke up this morning to the sound of the phone ringing, and by the time I cleared the person off the other end of the line this video was playing on the TV. It's a great tune, and I honestly thought Peter Bjorn and John were going to be some kind of weird Abba meets Kings of Convieniece combo. I'm happy to say they're not, and the new albums great, so if you haven't done so already, make sure you check them out.
MP3 Peter, Bjorn and John - Young Folks
And For My Final Trick...
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Thursday, September 07, 2006 at 1:17 PM.
Here you go - the video of Banksy "punking" Paris.
PS - I have got the Dangermouse remix of Paris Hilton. I can't share it. I don't know what to do. Any ideas?
PS - I have got the Dangermouse remix of Paris Hilton. I can't share it. I don't know what to do. Any ideas?

Following on from my appeal for hard-to-find music last night, I was over the moon to return from the pub after a lack-lustre England match to find James from Yer Mam! had answered my request for Jolly Music. In return, he asked if I had Me and Mr Hohner by Bobby Darin. I did, I sent it to him, he was happy, and now I'm going to share both tracks with you all. Enjoy.
MP3 Jolly Music - Radio Jolly
MP3 Bobby Darin - Me and Mr Hohner

I got hold of the new Sparklehorse album yesterday, and I'm pleased to say it's ace. I'm sure you've all read about the various guests on the album, with my most notable concern being producer du jour, Dangermouse. Thankfully, he hasn't stamped all over the album like you would have expected, as it all sounds as quiet and pretty as Linkous' previous work. I'm just wondering what I'll think of his input on the new Rapture album, which is here ready and waiting for me to crank it on next. Eek.
MP3 Sparklehorse - Shade and Honey

I've grown out of touch with the Mercury Music Prize over the years. It seems to get more and more erratic as each one goes by. In my opinion, the last truly deserving winner was PJ Harvey's "Stories from the City...", which has to be the last GREAT British winner that to pick up the award. I've nothing against last nights winners - the Arctic Monkeys - as they truly are a home grown talent come good. I just feel they're a bit too popular, a bit too pop, and a bit too much of a fans favourite after last years bizarre choice of the Antony and the Johnsons, who, lets face it, are an American band no matter which way you look at it. In any case, the real winner out of last nights awards has been Richard Hawley, who despite having the best album in Coles Corner, has noticed the greatest increase in sales since the nominations were announced. I think I was more interested in the PopJustice 20 quid prize this year anyway.
MP3 Richard Hawley - Coles Corner

Ahem. It's been announced that the first annual Manchester Blog Awards will be taking place at the Urbis sometime in mid-October. It's part of the Manchester Literary Festival. If any of you would fancy nominating this very blog for either the prestigious title of Best Arts and Culture Blog or indeed the Best Fucking Music Blog in the Entire Known Universe (best Manchester Blog that is) then please email the lovely judges letting them know how much you love me. Eurgh, I feel sick now.
MP3 Polytechnic - Won't You Come Around

Kids (and the rest of us actually) are lucky nowadays. Thanks to the ideas born in the late 90's by Shawn Fanning, the way we consume and listen to music is completely different. Once upon a time, if we heard a track we liked, we'd have to either buy the album, the single, or tape it off our mates if they had it. Things are much easier now - you can essentially "try before you buy", thanks to the likes of P2P and music blogs. Some tracks however prove to be eternally elusive. These are the tracks that get taken off blogs quickly, or those that leave you at the back of a massive queue on slsk. These tunes often prove elusive in the record shops too, having sold out the day before you walk in.
I've a small wishlist, and one part was fulfilled today. Being a fan of DJ mixes, there's always one track that blows you away that takes an age to find it's title. The Trader by the Beach Boys is one of those. It features on their early 70's album Holland, and it doesn't feature Wilson in any sense. I can't remember precisely when I first heard it, but when the tune was played in a bar last year I had to go and hassle the DJ. He gladly told me the name, and where I could find it. It's taken until today to get my paws on it. Thanks to Bernard, my new workmate and pal, who took kindly to my offering of a Justin Rutledge CD and brought me Holland on loan in return. It's ace, it sounds like you'd expect, and you can guarantee I'll be caning "the Trader" for fucking ages.
Now, if only someone could sort me out with the original mix of Radio Jolly...
MP3 The Beach Boys - The Trader

I was never a Boy Scout - the only kids group in my immediate vicinity (aside from the Brownies, which would have been useless considering my gender) were Cultists/Youth Movement the Woodcraft Folk. Based on similar pretensions as Baden Powell, it's slightly different to both Scouts and Brownies as it's totally Unisex. That's right, even GIRLS could go. When you're ten that's pretty poo. My only real memory of being forced to go was falling off a bench in a sitting position (don't ask) and breaking my coccyx. I was off school for a month. Quality.
MP3 I Was A Cub Scout - That's Not a Crate
PS - Check out more from both this band and Fear and Records (also home to Emmy the Great) here.

You've got to love a bit of "Art Terrorism", especially when it's as clever as Banksy's latest work. He's gone and snagged himself a bit of tabloid notoriety by replacing 500 copies of Paris Hilton's latest album with lookalikes containing artwork by himself and music by someone labelled as "DM". He sneakily placed these doctored copies in high street shops all over the country, which meant those of you hoping to hear Paris' warblings were probably hit by some confrontational artwork and bleepy tunage. I'm not sure if you're still able to get them, though it may be worth checking in HMV on your lunch hour as they're going for upwards of 300 quid on ebay.
Check out some of the artwork:

And my favourite...

Naturally, here's some songs inspired by what's happened:
MP3 Mylo - Paris 400
MP3 CSS - Meeting Paris Hilton
For more Banksy, click here.

I normally catch Steve Urwins show on a Sunday morning, generally when I'm getting bored with Hollyoaks and need a break. Having a slight phobia of big green killing machines sometimes limits my viewing of Crocodile Hunter to only a few minutes, but I've seen enough of the sow to admit that I quite like it. With his passion for dangerous animals, it's no real surprise that he was killed yesterday by a stingray, though still quite a shock, as at times he did seem invincible. Thanks Steve for taking care of those boring times - you're unrivalled enthusiasm is something that will be most missed about you.
MP3 Curtis Mayfield - Move On Up (The full 8 minute version)

Another day, another browse around MySpazz. Without trying to boast, I'm sat at 700 and something friends, and in fairness I haven't a clue who half of them are. Some are bands, some are scenesters, some are people I actually know, some are people I've either requested or approved when drunk. Take Lucky Soul for instance. I was perusing someone elses MySpazz and I clicked on their profile. I was most pleased to discover that they sounded really good - OK, they attract a lot of Pipettes comparisons, but I think there's more to them than that. I clicked "add to friends", only to be informed that they were already my friends. Note to self: Don't check MySpace when drunk.
Desperado is on now, so gotta bounce. Enjoy.
MP3 Lucky Soul - Lips are Unhappy

noWax Manchester is back! As you might have seen in the little references down the side, noWax is coming back and moving to a regular monthly spot at the Bay Horse in Manchesters Northern Quarter. As always, I'll be hosting the event, and I'm really hoping to make it a success. I know I've mentioned it here before, but I can't remember if I told you what it's all about? Basically, come along with your iPod, with 3 of your favourite songs. Take a ticket, and when you're number comes up on the projector, it's your turn to come up to the decks to battle off against another MP3J! It's great fun, as you get to inflict your music taste on the venue, rather than having DJ faceless bombard you with tunes.
The first event in our new home will be on Thursday 28th September, and then every last Thursday of the month after that. As it's the official relaunch, make sure you get yourselves down! I'm hoping to get a real party atmosphere going, so make sure you're there with the best tunes you've got!
In the meantime, check out the below video of a similar gig in Paris. OK, it's all in French, but it's very similar to what goes on at noWax.
Which recent BCG favourite samples the below tune? Download it and find out!
MP3 Jake Wade - Searching for Soul

Hee hee hee... this is a bit naughty. Not only can I not remember where I got this from, but it's also a demo. Shades of the WAYUH scandel earlier this year? Maybe, but that will only be proved until someone sends me a polite email to remove the track. In the meantime - download it while you can! I'm not the biggest of Bloc Party fans to be honest, but this track sounds quite good. It's no Banquet, but it's got enough of a beat that the lucky High Voltage audience will be treated to it next week.
MP3 Bloc Party - Song for Clay (Demo)

I know my coverage about these guys is somewhat late after all the hullabaloo a couple of months ago. Even though I'm a Music Blogger who's supposed to know everything there is to know about what's new and cool I can't keep on top of it all the time. Anyway, I have finally heard the Ratatat album, and I'm rather impressed with the whole thing. I'm not sure if it's because I ignored all the previous hype and discovered the band on my own terms, or whether it's because they're genuinely ace, but the discovery made my Friday night a little better. So, if you've been locked in a box for the last 2 months, or don't read blogs at all to keep you in the know, then check out the track below. If however you already are versed in all things Ratatat or have a blog that's already covered them then feel free to slag me off to your mates down the pub.
MP3 Ratatat - Gettysburg

As popular as it is, MySpazz can be rather annoying. Aside from the multitude of event invitations I receive on a daily basis, I also seem to have become a magnet for shit bands. There's so many of the kicking around on MySpazz it's untrue, and that's why it makes a real pleasent change when someone interesting requests me to be their friend. Take The God Damn Doo Wop Band for instance. They obviously know I've a thing for bands with stupidly long nonsensical names, so I accepted thier plea to be my pal. It turns out that they're quite good, in a sort of Pipettes sans hand-jive kind of way. Check them out.
MP3 The God Damn Doo Wop Band - Talk Too Much
I'm Fucking Pissed Off.
1 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Friday, September 01, 2006 at 10:36 AM.

I don't know totally why, but stuff is really getting on my nerves at the moment. A few things have happened over the last week or so which have added to my mood, and something happened earlier that was kinda the straw the camels back. I don't know why I'm offloading all this onto you guys, but I suppose this blogging lark is a release of sorts - usually positive, though today not. My mood isn't making song selection easy either. I'm listening to JT's new album again (it's ace), but I can't really get away with posting another track by him so soon after the last. You'll just have to be happy with Chic, as hopefully some sprightly disco will be the thing to get both you and me in the mood for then weekend. Hmpf.
MP3 Chic - My Forbidden Lover