Look at em - flopsy wopsy wabbits all snuggly-wuggly in a hutch. Ain't they cute?
MP3 White Rabbits - The Plot

Hmmm, what can I write here? There's not a massive amount you can say about staples, other than that they often hold bits of paper together, and can be rather nasty if they get stuck in your thumb. Other staples might be "of your diet" such as vitamins and minerals, or "of your music collection" which should include anything by Guns N Roses, Massive Attack and Miles Davies. "Lets do it again" by the Staple Singers isn't one of those absolute must haves, but it's still pretty good, and the fact that it's produced by Curtis Mayfield has to give it some brownie points.
MP3 The Staple Singers - Lets do it again

Last night was spent frequenting bars with my good mate James from Yer Mam!. As per usual, conversation quickly drifted onto tunes, and interestingly onto Brighton band Lo-Fidelity Allstars. Both me and James are the same age, and remember when they were often touted by the NME and other publications as the best band in the universe. Now, while they were good, that accolade was probably a little over the top, though listening back to them now makes for a pleasant experience. If you've got either of their albums gathering dust on a shelf, get it out and give it another listen - it's a lot better than you might remember.
MP3 Lo-Fidelity Allstars - Many Tentacles Pimping on the Keys
MP3 Pigeonhed - Glory Bound

I fucking hate my blog template. It looks OK, but regular visitors will realise that it doesn't work as it should, and I don't have the skills to rectify the job. If anyone out there is simply fucking ace at CSS and such gubbins and would like to recreate my blog for me with nice tidy coding I'd be really happy. There's a lifetime of gratitude and a few pints in it if you can.
MP3 LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great

While the scene seems to still be firmly gripped by "Nu Rave", some of the acts emerging seem to go beyond the generalisation and are actually quite good. Take Crystal Castles for instance, a 2 piece from Canada that make tunes that sound like a mark 1 Gameboy is a key part of their setup. Which aint such a bad thing as it turns out. Check them out.
MP3 Crystal Castles - Crimewave

This is the deal. I come up with an idea - "Let's put a theme on the blog" - complete 2 posts, lose inspiration, and then get so scared at the fact I've not posted that I bury my head in the sand and pretend that I don't have a blog. What have I learned here? That's right, no more fucking themes - they're way too creative writing evening course anyway.
I'm rediscovering a love of house and techno and all things cosmic. Feel the love too baby.
MP3 Akufen - Deck the House
Black Is The New Black #2: Black Devil Disco Club
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 5:13 AM.

Here's another post to add to my tenuously linked theme. This track by proto-Italo types Black Devil Disco Club started life on their album "28 After". Like always, I don't know a vast amount about these guys, other than that they were originally called Black Devil, and their debut album was released in 1978. Rephlex re-released it in 2006, and the band have reformed. Anyway, 'nuff beardy chinstroking: Here's a tune.
MP3 Black Devil Disco Club - I Regret the Flower Power (Fragments of Fear Version by Quiet Village)
Black Is The New Black #1: Black Lips
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 2:34 PM.

Yo. To kick off a mini theme, it's time for some Black Lips. I know precious little about the band, other than the fact they've played the Roadhouse recently and James from Yer Mam! fucking loves 'em. Still, they sound wicked on record, and I'll definitely be down the front the next time they're in town. Think the Black Keys, aping the 60's rather than the 70's, and you'll be close but not quite there. Brap.
MP3 Black Lips - Hippie, Hippie, Hoorah.

Turns out Feist is playing in town on Thursday night, and aside from the fact it's my monthly Shoplifters gig, it's totally sold out. Her latest long player "The Reminder" is rather good, for those of you who haven't checked it out. In the meantime, this features on the latest Kitsune Maison compilation alongside Manchester heroes the Whip and BCG faves Foals. Ace.
MP3 Feist - My Moon My Man (Boyz Noize Remix)
"It's not a Fanny - It's a Vaj!"
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Monday, July 16, 2007 at 3:23 PM.

Time for a new feature. Every week, I'm going to be focussing on a top 10 from anywhere. Not much time to type at the moment, but here's this weeks NME chart with a few tunes for you. Enjoy.
1. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Down Boy
2. Biffy Clyro - Folding Stars
3. The White Stripes - Icky Thump
4. Interpol - The Heirich Maneuver
5. The Cribs - Moving Pictures
6. Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches
7. Smashing Pumpkins - Tarantula
8. Dizzee Rascal - Pussy'ole (Old Skool)
9. Queens Of The Stone Age - Sick, Sick, Sick
10. Tokyo Police Club - Your English Is Good

Late one this. Off "Maths and English", this is probably my favourite tune. Yeah, a bit lively for this time of night, but it's still a belter.
MP3 Dizzee Rascal - Da Feelin'

Oooh. Things are looking good at the moment. I'm excited. Basically, some of you might know I'm one of the people behind soon to be absolutely legendary Manchester night Get Girl, Kill Baddies, Save Planet. Not only have we booked an amazing lineup for a summer all day shindig called ATTACK OF THE GIANT WOMAN, but we've also managed to bag a stellar lineup of DJ's for the rest of the year. Literally, shit that will make your jaw drop. Here's a clue. Night night.
MP3 Kaos - Panopeeps (Shit Robot Remix)

Some of you might be able to cast your minds as far back as 2004, when a track called Happy by Max Sedgeley became that years "California Love". It was fucking everywhere - you couldn't escape it. Not necessarily a bad thing of course, as it's rather good at being a 100bpm brassy house stomper. Flicking through the channels a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a rather ace remix of it accompanying the latest Bacardi commercial. A few searches later, and I found it was done by Mashup expert Go Home Productions. It's rather good, especially when you see people happily bopping away on the dancefloor, only to squeal in delight when the vocal kicks in. Ace.
MP3 Max Sedgley - Happy (Go Home Productions Remix)

Much has been made by the NME recently about Glastonbury's lack of atmosphere, and how the festival was populated by a greater quanitity of your over 35's than usual. Apparently, the Chelsea-Tracktor driving massive made the festival not as cool for the kids whilst being fucked off their faces on magic mushrooms and such. What a tragic shame. Michael Eavis has chimed in today with his response, basically claiming that issuing a vast bulk of the tickets online was the problem, and that more will be done next year to get the kids in.
Hmmm. So online sales have damaged the festival? And this has nothing to do with the rigmorole in obtaining a pass to buy tickets, and then spending ages waiting for the site to load to purchase? Or even the exorbetent price the festival now charges - which puts the festival out of the reach of many 16-20 year olds? Mr Eavis should really be spending time looking at precisely WHO he wants to attend, and then pricing accordingly.
Rant over.
MP3 Blur - Music is my Radar

Since last year, DFA lovers have been taking in the fact that recent signees, Prinzhorn Dance School, have done precious little in terms of web promotion. While this adds to the mystique of the band, it means that demand for their singles and live performances have been high. I've been lucky to catch them a few times over the last 6 months, and while they don't strictly fit the DFA guitars/beats/bleeps template, they bring a true post punk sensibility to the roster. Some detractors might say that all their songs are a bit samey, but if you like one, you'll like 'em all. They've an album out soon, so make sure you give it a go.
MP3 Prinzhorn Dance School - Hamworthy Sports and Leisure Centre

Yep, it has been too long. Stuff has been going on in my life that hasn't left much space to tell you all what I've been listening to. Hell, I've not even been listening to the much stuff. I even managed to miss such milestones as BCG's first Birthday and our 100,000th hit. Did I stop caring? I really don't know, but I now feel rested and capable of inflicting my questionable music taste on you all. Ha ha ha. No more excuses from today: I'm back on it.
MP3 Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Down Boy
MP3 Silversun Pickups - Well thought out Twinkles