Got the following email from Pasta a few minutes ago:
I look like some freaky animal in that photo!!! Very funny. No chilled out indie tonight unfortunately. Rocking it up all the way.
Well that's the plan.
Tickets for Guns & Roses go on sale soon. Are you going? They are playing MEN Arena. Let me know.
See you soon
So there you go. All cleared up now. Please find an alternative picture of both myself and his Pastaness below.

MP3 Guns N Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
Click here.
I look like some freaky animal in that photo!!! Very funny. No chilled out indie tonight unfortunately. Rocking it up all the way.
Well that's the plan.
Tickets for Guns & Roses go on sale soon. Are you going? They are playing MEN Arena. Let me know.
See you soon
So there you go. All cleared up now. Please find an alternative picture of both myself and his Pastaness below.

MP3 Guns N Roses - Welcome to the Jungle
Click here.

Bonjour. As I'm rapidally approaching a landmark 10,000 hits, I figured now was the time to ask all you readers out there for some feedback and audience participaction.
I know some of you have tried to post comments and had no luck, and to be totally honest I haven't got a fucking clue what's wrong. A very kind reader emailed me last week to say it was something wrong with the style sheet, but with my coding skills being somewhat limited I'm making an appeal. Can someone have a look at my html and tell me how to get the blogger comments back on? I'm at a loss at the moment! Drop me a line if you can help.
It's also great to see some of you have signed up to my feeds either through usual channels or by email. It's cool to see the blog has gathered some friends through it's short life span.
I've also spotted that some of you have checked out the Gabbly client available on the sidebar, though I do expect you might have been greeted by a big fat no-one! If this is the case, don't fret! Lets all have a mass-Gabbly-chat soon! So, next Monday 5th June at 2000 BST (don't ask me the US times - those time zones confuse the fuck outta me!) I'll be on Gabbly simply waiting to chat to some of you. How's that for cool?! Click here to go to the chat client.
In the meantime seeing as I've broken my personal entry length rule and bored you all shitless, here's a bunch of MP3's to compensate.
MP3 The KBC - Pride Before the Fall
MP3 Nouvelle Vague - The Killing Moon
MP3 Aaliyah - Try Again

Yep, I said legendary, and I am referring to the guy above. The Man, the Enigma, the fucking LEGEND Pasta Paul will be gracing the hallowed decks at Night and Day on behalf of nowayback. Now, if memory serves, El Pastioni likes his more chilled indie, so don't come expectin' the Kaiserfuckingknobheads. I'll be proppin' up the bar sipping on a long cold bottle of Grolsch on a payday bonanza so feel free to come over and say hi. Just don't expect me to remember you the following day, OK?
MP3 Motorhead - Ace of Spades
PS - If you print the picture off, the good people at N&D MIGHT let you in on the cheap.

But I hope you lot don't think I'm going to Hip Hop with this post following yesterdays confession. As some of you know, I'm still quite a fan of Hip Hop even though I generally write about indie weirdness. I'm into anything good really, whether it's rock, hip hop, electro or really anything else. Searching through my archive today, I've found a great track from a rebtuz ep that came out last year. So OK, it's not new and hip, but it's still fucking top. Enjoy.
MP3 Nas - Get Down (QSO Remix)

There's a few legendary producers throughout the ages, with Quincy Jones, Rick James and Phil Spector all being a few names which leap to mind. Of recent times, you could add the DFA to that list, along with the quite awesome Neptunes. I don't know how they do it, but they always manage to give the most awesome beats to the most unobvious of artists. Britney, Justin, Snoop and countless others have all benefitted in the past from a Neptunian makeover, and once again a certain Mimi (that's Mariah Carey to us mere mortals) gets the treatment. Say Somethin' is great, with a none too OTT Mariah croon subtley over an 80's influenced beat. Check it out for yourselves.
MP3 Mariah Carey (feat. Snoop Dogg) - Say Somethin'

Phumph. It's bloody raining. Every sodding bank holiday is like it - always wet. Today has been a little weird, with sunny spells completely fucked over by wet ones, then sunny ones again. Not very good considering this is the last time I can viably take a Monday to sit in the sunshine quaffing ale or something similar.
Last night was ace though - I went to see Phoenix for the first time in five years. Gotta say, they were magnifique, with belter after belter laid out to an uber-enthusiastic crowd. While the audience weren't quite so familiar with their latest album, the band soon won them over with their good looks and gallic charm. So yeah, not only have they turned out one of the years best albums, but this is one of the best gigs I've seen so far this year.
I promise I'll go and see something I don't like soon - I seem to be liking everything at the moment.
MP3 Phoenix - Too Young

There's always things in peoples lives that they hate for reasons only known to them. Me, I can't stand moving house. Call me lazy, but the thought of spending good time (when I could be doing other stuff) looking around grotty shitholes by some jumped up spotty asshole and then actually moving doesn't turn me on in the slightest. You can therefore imagine my horror yesterday morning when the builders moved in to demolish a building literally 5 metres from my flat. This has forced me to call time on my humble city centre studio and seek accommodation elsewhere. Bummer. I hate moving.
Rant over.
MP3 The Beach Boys - Wouldn't it Be Nice

Wow. For those of you who didn't make it, High Voltage last night was the best it's been in ages. I'm still open-mouthed at how fucking great Tapes N Tapes were. Everything they do on record gets put into their live show, from brass instrumentation to the absolute passion in which they deliver the songs. Insistor and set closer Jacovs Suite were the highlights, though they could have been on stage singing Bah Bah Black Sheep for what it's worth - I love 'em that much I still would have thought it's ace.
MP3 Tapes N Tapes - Jacov's Suite
You Say Party We Say Die! and Metronomy were good too, but it's TNT that stole the show. I played the best I have done for a while. Note to self: Must play Teardrops more.
MP3 Womack and Womack - Teardrops
NB - The image above wasn't take last night.

Work work work. It's absolutely impossible to put into words how much my current job does my fucking head in. I spend 37.5 hours a week devoting my time to an employer that neither respects or values what I have achieved in the last 3 years. Grrr.
OK, rant over, but boy does this place do my head in. At least I console myself with the fact it's HV tonight and the quite brilliant You Say Party We Say Die are playing, along with Tapes N Tapes and Metronomy. If you fancy coming along with reduced entry, print off the above flyer and I'll see you there.
MP3 Hollertronix - Snoop Dogg Vs The Cure

Those moody looking dudes from the Longcut finally release their debut album next week, and it looks to already have been extremely well received. You can hear it over at for a little while. On tour last November, lucky/cool attendees received a special limited edition "party megamix". Now, I thought the title was a bit shit (it reminded me of Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers) but it contained 3 lovely remixes of singles A Quiet Life, Transition and EP Track Last Act of Desperate Men. Yes you did read that right: I used the word "lovely". I'm not gay. Now bugger off.
MP3 The Longcut - A Quiet Life (Kid 606 Loud Acid mix)

I'm guessing you all know the one about the Finnish Horror Metal band winning the esteemed Eurovision Song Contest? Well, they did, and I won £40 off a 5 quid bet because of it. Not bad eh? Watching the results in the pub, me and my mates cheered every time Finland were awarded maximum points. This happened so frequently the pub staff thought I was Finnish. And you know what? I was for about 30 minutes, and proud of it too!
Will this set a trend? Does this mean that dodgy Euro-pop will evaporate as if it were struck by Lordi's axe? I fucking hope so. Though if Lostprophets win it next year it won't make me like them any more.
MP3 Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah

If like me you enjoy scribbling random things on bits of paper, this should be just up your street. It's also apparently the work of another Manchester dwelling so-and-so. Rock on.

Is Bang Bang Chicken better than music? Well last night I put it to the test. My mate Paul invited me to a showcase for someone I can only bill as the "Scottish James Blunt" at the swanky Lowry hotel. It was quite cool. We were led up to the Penthouse suite which had a free bar and stage area set up. We then proceeded to drink our bodyweight in Peroni while scoffing oriental canapes served on china spoons. So yeah, the Bang Bang Chicken was better than the music on offer. Never mind.
MP3 Nine Inch Nails - The Hand That Feeds (DFA Remix)
MP3 David Holmes - My Mate Paul

Sorry for the lack of posts - I've been thoroughly fucked off with work which stifled my creative mojo. I'm still hacked off, but can write again.
We all know that the Walkmen have got a newie out, so I figured I'd post up a track from days of yore. I was an extremely casual Jonathan Fire*eater fan in the 90's, so when I heard that some former members had formed the Walkmen I was intrigued. In any case, their debut was nothing too spectacular, but certainly laid down a blueprint for future activity.
MP3 The Walkmen - What's In It For Me?

A friend in London introduced me to Mazzy Star at the turn of the century when I was an angst ridden 20 year old. At the time I was sort of lost musically, knowing what I liked but struggling to find it. And there it was, waiting to be thrust onto a Minidisc to keep my hour long journey to work that little bit more interesting.
Ear Farm have been continuing their series of live bootleg posts, which I must say are very good. Their latest post is a Mazzy Star show in LA from '94. Check it out here.

Tramp have got an event running with the jolly nice people from Modular Records at the Bierkeller on Friday 26th May. Should be a top night. I'll be there with bells on.
MP3 Klaxons - Atlantis to Interzone
MP3 Shy Child - Noise Won't Stop
MP3 The Fallout Trust - Before the Light Goes Out (Simian Mobile Disco Remix)
More info here.

Doing the rounds tonight, I took a look over at Comfort Music, where there's a bit about the new Jungle Brothers album. It sounds OK, but it really made me think about the last De La Soul album that was out the tail end o'2004. Fucking quality. Madlib production, Doom lyrics, and some proper catchy tunes to boot. Top.
MP3 De La Soul - Church (Feat. Spike Lee)

Up All Night was another favourite of mine from 2004. Given to me by a friend, I thought it was going to be boring mundane Britrock (knowing their musical taste) that wouldn't grab me in any way. I couldn't have been more wrong. The band produced a sound that I thought was so lacking in British rock by being both melodic and, well, rocky. Single "Somewhere Else" is also a big favourite, even though it draws dangerously close to the Boss himself.
And onto the new. In the Morning is OK, though I'll probably need to have a few more listens in fairness. It sounds like Razorlight not trying to sound like Razorlight, and then giving up two thirds the way through with a "Fuck it, lets be Razorlight". It lacks the punch of Golden Touch and Dalton, but it still good to have them back.
MP3 Razorlight - In the Morning

According to, Guy Garveys label, Skinny Dog, are interested in offering Oxfords popular unsigned band, Radiohead, a recording contract. He told NME.COM: "They haven't got a record deal at the minute and being the coolest record label in the land we're gonna offer them a deal. Because it is an artist run label we can offer really fair terms so we thought Radiohead might be interested. We're huge fans of the band and we can offer them really good percentages. I can't see why they wouldn't wanna be on. We are the best record label in the world."
Hmm. Interesting story, and I suppose you never know.
MP3 Radiohead - Fitter, Happier
Who Is This Napoleon Guy Anyway?
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Tuesday, May 16, 2006 at 12:07 PM.

I'm usually wary of French people proclaiming that Napoleon was the greatest military dude ever. It kinda shows the difference in our education systems: They're taught that he was a hero, we're taught that he was a bit of a twat. Anyway, enough social commentary, and onto the greatness that is Phoenix's new album "It's Never Been Like That".
I've banged on about these guys before, but genuinely they're one of my favourite bands. After the last album, I could only really say that they are a band with a couple of ace albums, but now with the emergence of the "difficult" third can I proclaim my true love for the band. Drawing the best bits from both their previous albums, this should (and probably will) be looked at as one of 2006's very best. Well, in my eyes anyway.
MP3 Phoenix - Napoleon Says
PS - I'm off to see TV on the Radio tonight at Night and Day. Jealous?
PS2 - Protokoll were good last night. End of.

I'm not going to try and hide my affection for the likes of Be Your Own PET and You Say Party We Say Die. It's not that I think the chicks are cute (though I sorta do) it's more that I really like their whole loud, trashy and brash approach to rock. These guys (and gals) continue in the same vein. I can't tell you too much because their downloadable biog isn't too easy to read, but I do know they're from Australia. That's about it.
MP3 The Grates - 19 20 20
PS - Check out their MySpazz here.

We're all going to be sick of these ladies soon, but it doesn't detract away from them playing great tunes. Apparently, they're playing D:Percussion in August so you good good people will get to see them live for absolutely Zero pounds!
MP3 The Pipettes - Pull Shapes

I think I'm off to see these tonight at the Roadhouse. It's a High Voltage gig so I guess it'll be top. Not much to report: What I've heard on MySpazz is good, Lamacq thinks they're ace, and they look the part. I'll fill you in tomorrow as to the rest.
MP3 Protokoll - Morning Star
Woo Hoo! It's the debut video from the KBC. The single's out on 3rd July, but you can content yourselves in the meantime with this cheeky snippet. It's fucking ace, so enjoy.

In 2004 I got myself involved in promoting a club event. Called noWax, it was all about getting people up off the floor to play music through their iPod. Participants would simply take a ticket, wait their turn, and when their number comes up on the projector, it's time to come and battle off with your 3 best tunes against another MP3J!
Part of the reason it was so cool was because the playlists would be so random. The music would move from Soul, to Indie, to Electronica, to Jazz, the Metal and back again. This meant I would often be introduced to bands and artists I had never previously considered. Nouvelle Vague are one of those bands. Their last album turned out to be one of my favourite from 2004, and also proved to be a great dinner party album. With a new one coming this summer, I'm rather excited.
MP3 Nouvelle Vague - Blue Monday

Do you remember Naho? Back in the early days of this blog, she was the fine lady that introduced me to the world of radio presenting. Anyway, she went back to Japan for a few weeks, and as a present, she got me a bottle of Japanese Mayonnaise. Now, you might think this sounds shit, but trust me, Japanese Mayo kicks ass. Especially in an eggy, vinegary kinda way. Yum.
MP3 The Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise
PS - Check this out

Probably not a medical term, but jeez these next 2 bands could do with brightening up. Both come from the Joy Division school of angular guitars and high bass, and at times sound remarkably alike. Yes, I am talking about Interpol and Editors. And no, I'm actually a big fan of both. So there.
MP3 Interpol - Stella was a Diver and She Was Always Down
MP3 Editors - Bullets
PS - Go to Google, type Miserable in the search box and hit "I'm Feeling Lucky". Damn funny, and I discovered that myself too!

I fucking love this tune. Not because it reminded me how anthemic hard rock can be, but because it rocks like a fucking demon. It's now a regular in my set. I've not heard anything good by them since, but this alone is a career defining moment. Fucking awesome.
MP3 The Donnas - Take it Off

MySpace has a lot to answer for, especially when you go on a midnight drunken recruitment exercise. I've done that a lot, and it's only when the helpful little bulletins appear in the bottom left of my homepage that I actually get to see some of the fruit of my pissed up labour. The Manchester Orchestra are a happy product of that process. I must have been attracted by the name, because I don't recall having listened to them at the time. They sound a bit like Death Cab and Sparklehorse, and to boost the Manchester connection further "Play it Again Sam" sounds a bit like Liam Frost!
Check out their MySpazz anyway and be their friends.

That's what his PR calls him. Have you ever heard anything so luvvy? Anyway, he's playing at the Late Room tomorrow, and in all fairness to her his PR has put me on the guest list, so I can't make to many jokes at her expense can I?
In September last year, he re-released what possibly is one of the most gorgeous tracks of the decade (I know I bestow such honours quite freely, but then at the moment I'm only writing about stuff that means something to me). The track billed, quite justifiably, as Unfinished Sympathy Part deux is full of lush strings, tugging pianos and heartfelt lyrics. It's also over 7 minutes long. In short: A true modern classic.
Shame the album "Politics" was a load of old wazz.
NB At the request of the label I've had to take this MP3 down. It is available on iTunes however at a bargain 79p, so get yourselves over there if you want it.
MP3 Sebastian Tellier - La Ritournelle
PS - Large scary pic here.

We've all got them. Some people like Girls Aloud. Some people think Kelly Clarkson's ace. Some people even like squeezing spots. I find myself as a 26 year old male still loving stuff I did when I was in my teens. Yeah, OK that may mean girls and beer, but there's other stuff I know I'm too old for, yet I find it hard to give up.
Comics are a biggy. In my teens, every weekend was spent at some shop/market/book fair of sorts, catching up on the adventures of Superman, Batman, Green Lantern and all the other glaring bits of US sci-fi fiction that girls never understood. I found myself getting back into them again a few years ago. At first, it was for the art, yet I ended up getting into the stories again. Now I know why my Dad actively encouraged me to buy them.
Pearl Jam is another. After Guns N' Roses, they were the next band I really loved as a teenager. Again, they're an echo from puberty that drifts into my life every once in a while, yet it's a part of those years I fondly remember, and something I'll always give time to. As a treat, that special someone in my life gave me the new album over the weekend. I wasn't hoping/expecting much - as long as all the old constants were there, I wasn't bothered. And so to it, Pearl Jams latest self titled effort isn't great, it just moves along. But while I'm sat on my bed, aged 26, reading the latest copy of Action Comics and it blasting through the stereo, it's a situation so comfortable and familiar it takes me back to more carefree times.
So here's a track from back when I thought Pearl Jam were the nuts. And you know what? They still are.
MP3 Pearl Jam and Neil Young - I Got ID

OK everyone, take a deep breath, and don't cum in your pants, but below you can download the new Muse single. Now, I'm not a fan of Muse AT ALL, but a good friend of mine who is informs me it's "Top" and that "Your readers will love it". So, ahem, here it is. Woooo.
NB: This has limited downloads, so once it's gone it's gone. If you want me to email it to you, simply email me.
MP3 Muse - Supermassive Black Hole

Jon from the Longcut was raving about these guys when I saw him at the Go! Team gig a few weeks ago. I think they were at SXSW and caused a storm, though I might be making that up. It's late and I'm tired so sorry if that's the case.
MP3 Part Chimp - Bring Back the Sound
I found this track earlier this evening. Now, I'm not much of a guitar player any more (though I was known as an Axe legend in my teens) but this blew me away to such a degree there was no other option than to break out the old six-stringer and attempt to replicate it for myself. It does the original by Sigur Ros total justice, without becoming the parody it had the potential to be. See for yourself.
MP3 We Are Scientists - Hoppipolla

No, I'm not talking about that bloody annoying movie with Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan, I'm actually talking about the brand new Beef-Feed you can subscribe to by email.
Now, I'm fully aware that email is dead and RSS is king, however I know there's some of you that simply don't have the chance to check my blog each day, and then you've usually got 5 or 6 posts to catch up with when you return. This way, the folk at Feedblitz will send you an email each day rounding up all the latest posts. If it annoys the hell out of you, simply unsubscribe. Easy.
Two things:
1) I'm new to this whole email feed thing, so not sure how muddy the waters are. I'm assured by Feedblitz that they do not participate in the practice of selling email address' and therefore you won't receive any spam from anyone else.
2) If this service is shit, simply unsubscribe and then please email me directly to let me know it was rubbish. You people that read mean I lot to me and I don't want to piss you off. If enough people shout at me then I'll turn it off.
Go on - gimme your details! Wise words on a daily basis - can't say fairer really can I?

I went to see Mission Impossible 3 last night. I've got to admit, I can't stand Tom Cruise and I wasn't a fan of the previous 2 films, but with JJ Abrams involvement and me being something of a part-time geek I figured it was worth investigation. I'm (kinda) pleased to admit, I rather enjoyed it. It was rather like a big budget cartoon episode of 24, but that's no bad thing.
It's cool to see such visionary TV people getting involved with major film franchises. JJ Abrams is best known for his other creations Alias and Lost, which basically means he's a damn heavyweight with genre television. Which brings me onto another Film and TV heavyweight - Lalo Schifrin. He single-handedly made 60's and early 70's film and TV sound cool with his bossa nova inspired themes. Iconic soundtracks to Mission Impossible, Bullitt and Dirty Harry sit amongst his most recognised work, yet he's also an accomplished classical composer too. Check out some of his stuff, you won't be dissapointed.
MP3 Lalo Schifrin - Bullitt

In a loose nod to Bethanne over at Clever Titles, I thought my hungover state would help make carrying on the Black theme so much easier. It's not worked particularly well. To aid the process, I fired up iTunes and searched for black. After the new Black Angels stuff (which I'm still undecided on) the next 2 tracks were by the Presets and Black Dice. Check them out.
MP3 The Presets - Black Background
MP3 Black Dice - Smiling Off (DFA Remix)
Last night was the latest TopMan "launch". The Rakes were headlining, and though I don't like them too much on record I thought they were great live. I think the free bar had something to do with that though. Boon Army.
MP3 The Rakes - All Too Human

Oh yes yes yes, yet another free party. The Rakes are playing, Rich HV is DJing, Clint Boon is DJing and there's free booze. Expect a full report tomorrow.
MP3 The Rakes - Retreat
Sounds Like the Summer: Yes! More Lily Allen! (And Phoenix too.)
0 Comments Published by jonthebeef on Thursday, May 04, 2006 at 10:45 AM.

OK, so I guess your all sick of me banging on about this girl, but I do truly think she's ace. 1) Summery as fuck. 2) A sweet sweet voice with a case of potty mouth. Sounds like a winning combo to me.
Phoenix are one of my favourite bands of the decade. From the moment when I first heard Too Young in December 2000 I was absolutely hooked. Thankfully, both of their albums have been as good as each other, and with a new one on the way, they'll certainly help soundtrack my summer. Ace.
MP3 Lily Allen - LDN
MP3 Phoenix - Rally
PS - It was the hottest day of the year so far hence my shiny mood. Winner.

Apparently these guys are touring in the UK supporting Dinosaur Jr. Worth checking out.
MP3 Dead Meadow - At Her Open Door
Oh yeah, before I forget, it's High Voltage tonight with Kubichek, and as per you'll find me behind the decks. If you were at Sounds from the Other City on Sunday, you should have an idea of what to expect. Print of this post for cheap entry.

Quick post to big up She's got me as a favourite of some sort so I thought I'd return the favour.
That's it. Laters.
MP3 We Are Scientists - The Great Escape

I saw these guys a couple of weeks ago at Night and Day with Rumblestrips and the Answering Machine. They were great live, so after stumbling across this at Lets Kiss and Make Up, I figured it would be worth posting.
MP3 Captain - Broke

I'm not getting too crap at this blogging thing am I? I'm sorry guys and gals, I've just been dead busy lately, hence a distinct lack of posts. I know it seems like I'm apologising over and over again.
Snivelling aside, I thought now would be a good time to draw yet another quality new Mancunian band to your attention. Going by the name of Real Dolls, they're offering up booty hip hop with a pure electro twist. Their live performances are amazing, and with a new "stick the 21 say rule up your arse" tour planned to commence this month, one might hope they'll be on to bigger things.
Check out their MySpazz here.